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Justina Mutale wins International Public Administration Award

By David, SEMA AFRICA | December 05, 2016

Justina Mutale wins International Public Administration Award

Justina Mutale wins International Public Administration Award credit: Juatina Mutale Foundation

Justina Mutale, the Founder and CEO of the Justina Mutale Foundation for Leadership has won the highly coveted International Public Administration Award in the prestigious 2016 Public Service Excellence Awards.


The awards ceremony was held last night in Lusaka, Zambia. It was hosted by the Zambia Society of Public Administration (ZSPA) and officiated by the Vice-President of the Republic of Zambia and the Secretary to the Cabinet.


“I am overwhelmed with delight and gratitude to receive this prestigious and much coveted Award from my home country, Zambia. I have received many Awards in different parts of the world, but one gets a totally different feeling when one has been recognised by one’s own country,” Ms Mutale said.

Justina Mutale ZSPA International Public Administration Award. credit: Justina Mutale Facebook

Justina Mutale ZSPA International Public Administration Award. credit: Justina Mutale Facebook

“This Award is a clear sign that although we may be away from home, the efforts of the Diaspora are appreciated in our home countries. I believe this Award is an acknowledgement of my contributions, as well as that of my fellow Zambians and other Africans living in the Diaspora,” she added.

Ms Mutale is also the Founder and CEO of POSITIVE RUNWAY: Global Catwalk to Stop the Spread of HIV/AIDS.

This ZSPA International Public Administration Award is given to a Zambian scholar who has dedicated himself or herself to promotion of good governance and public administration internationally not only to Zambia but to other countries and their works inspires the international community. To be eligible to be nominated for the award, the individual must meet the following criteria:

  • Contributes significantly to the field of public administration as a scholar, practitioner or both, as demonstrated by publications, other awards and honors and the testimony of the nominee's colleagues and beneficiaries of the nominee's work

  • Recommended or sponsored by an individual or institution that is in some demonstrable way affiliated with ZSPA

According the the official ZSPA Public Service  Excellence Annual Awards website;

The Zambian Society for Public Administration Public Service Excellence Annual Awards (ZSPA – PSEA) are the most prestigious national recognition of excellence in public service and society at large.

The awards aim to recognize individuals and organizations that have demonstrated outstanding leadership by taking bold steps to improve Zambia, through advancements in Public Policy, Research, Leadership and Management.

ZSPA Public Service Excellence Awards

ZSPA Public Service Excellence Awards

PSEA also seek to recognize the institutional and individual contribution made by the Public Service, Civil society, scholars and society at large to enhance social welfare of every Zambians. 

Winners are announced at the ZSPA International Conference and Annual gala Dinner award .
The overall objectives of the awards are:


  1. To reward service to citizens and motivate public servants in Zambia in order to sustain the momentum of innovation and the improvement of the delivery of public services;

  2. To collect and disseminate successful practices and experiences in public administration in order to support efforts for improvements in country level public service delivery;

  3. To counterbalance any negative image of public administration, raise the image and prestige of public servants and revitalize public administration as a noble discipline on which development greatly depends;

  4. To promote, encourage and facilitate networking among institutions and organizations relevant to public administration and strengthen the networks of public administration and development; and

  5. To enhance professionalism in the public service in rewarding the successful experiences in   Innovations and excellence in the public service.

  6. To encourage equal participation from all citizen in the promotion of service excellence in public institutions.

Justina Mutale ZSPA International Public Administration Award. credit: Justina Mutale Facebook

Justina Mutale

Dr. Justina Mutale


Acclaimed as one of the most influential and inspirational women of African origin, Dr Justina Mutale is the “African Woman f the Year” 2012, an honour bestowed upon Justina on the same platform as Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa as well as the former President of Malawi, The Rt. Hon. Joyce Banda and the former female Deputy Prime Minister of Zimbabwe, The Hon. Thokozani Khupe.  Justina has twice been honoured on the same platform as the first President of the Republic of Zambia Dr Kenneth Kaunda in the Voice Achievers Awards in the Netherlands and the Global Officials of Dignity (G.O.D.) Awards held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

Justina is the Founder & President of the Justina Mutale Foundation and its Scholarship Programme for underprivileged African Young Women. She is also Founder of POSITIVE RUNWAY: The Global Catwalk to Stop the Spread of HIV/AIDS. Named as one of Africa’s most respected names, well-known faces, and influential voices, Justina is listed in various Who’s Who Lists, Power Lists and Influential Lists, including the 100 Most Influential Creatives; Black Women in Europe Power List; Global Women Leaders Hall of Fame; and the Black 100+ Hall of Fame, an Exhibition & Legacy of the top 100 Black Achievers in modern Britain. She is also a Distinguished Member of the Royal Biographical Institute and the Global Institute of Human Excellency.



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